After The Rain

There is a beauty that is hard to descibe - after rain falls. Evidence of recent showers resides on delicate petals. Those seemingly fragile flowers stand taller as the sun begins to evaporate memories of the recent downpour. 

Most - if not all - of us can relate.

Showers come in many forms. Gentle blessings fall as well as hard troubles. Each comes with heightened emotions - whether good or bad. In the midst of the rainfall, feelings can be overwhelming. It may seem like the rains will never end. 

If showers are blessings - like getting ready for a wedding - you may want to dance in the rain indefinitely. Once those happy cloudburst pass, coming out of the rain can be strangely disappointing. Still, joyful memories remain.

On the other hand, those hard storms are tough to stand through.  Somehow, those downpours feel like they will beat down on us forever. It's hard to see anything other than the falling rain. 

It would be nice to say shelter is easy to find during those awful thunderstorms. The truth is - in the midst of a downpour is when shelter seems to evade us. Yet, we don't have to stand alone in the storm. 

In John 6:33, Jesus said, “... In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” 

It is often hard to see the sun in the midst of rainclouds, but it is there. Similarly, it is often hard to see the Son in the midst of rainclouds, but He is there. After our storm has passed, we can stand taller as the Son begins to evaporate the bad experience - or allow the good experience to soak in. 

Dear Lord, I pray that anyone reading this will find peace in Your presence whatever shower they may be experiencing. Thank You for being with us through all the rainfalls - both good and bad. Thank you for overcoming the world so that we can seek shelter in you as we overcome our storms.


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