Treasure Seeker


Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal.  

Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal.   

Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.

Matthew 6:19-21 NLT 

It's that time of year when we are all getting ready to toss around thanks on Thursday and fork over funds on Friday. Tis the season for spending - what? What are we spending? What are our treasures this season? 

Almost twenty years ago, John and I were living in Minden, Nebraska with two middle school age boys. We were just getting started on our journey of learning to budget with a debt free goal. It was during that initial learning process that I wrote this next poem and prose. We've come a long way since that time. Still, budgeting with purpose is not always easy. I hope sharing this old writing will benefit you as much as it has been a necessary reminder for me today.

Treasure Seeker

I'm not satisfied 

Seeking worldly possessions.

Attaining treasures?

Earthly wealth leaves emptiness.

True riches can't be measured.

Counting riches seemed simple enough to me. The check came in twice a month and that same money went right back out to pay the bills. The treasures attained through those bills were necessities, right? We had a roof over our heads, food on the table, adequate transportation, and current, 'critical' communication devices. When our income was increased by a promotion, we praised God for our blessings. Now we could afford even greater treasures. Forget necessities! I had wants and desires. Never mind that those desires to attain bigger, greater things created bigger, greater debt. Counting riches still seemed simple enough. More money came in. More money went right back out.

I can't justify

Hording treasures here on earth.

That joy won't survive.

'Here today, gone tomorrow.'

Objects wasted when I die.

Justifying all our needs and desires came easy as well. A large and beautifully decorated home was certainly a must for entertaining. Living without the latest electronics: computers, televisions, games and cellular phones in this age of technology, would render us socially disabled. Surviving the children's schedules with only one vehicle would be unthinkable!

Why not simplify?

Seek only for essentials.

Try feeling content.

Find joy in simple pleasures.

Wealth used wisely is well spent.

Maybe it would be impossible to survive without a second vehicle, but with another car payment on "Mom's dream car", we would have been throwing any attempt at budgeting out the window. Contentment was not the feeling that came with giving up the vehicle of my dreams, but I must admit a joy in knowing our new attempt at budgeting was not compromised.

Can I realize?

Some treasures offer comfort

To a soul in need.

Wealth can be used in wisdom

When spent gently in good deed.

No, budgeting did not come easy. However, as we prayed and settled into a budgeting routine, we began to feel the need for an even greater leap of faith. Giving was not out of the question after all. Writing that check was extremely difficult at first. There was little comfort in realizing that our money was being used for others with greater needs than our own. After continued prayer over our decision; however, we began to reluctantly realize that what we had was not our money at all. God blessed us with all that we had, all that we had was His, and we were keeping the majority of what He gave us.

I am satisfied

Seeking Heaven's possessions.

Attaining treasures!

God's riches bring fulfillment.

His wealth cannot be measured.

Satisfaction came slowly, in time. After many months of giving, we realized that we were in a better financial state of mind. Our budget had not changed. Our bills had not changed. Only our hearts had changed and somehow, within that heart change, we seemed to have more than before. God took the small portion of what we gave back to Him and poured blessings we had not even imagined over us. Our lives became rich with love, joy, peace, and contentment.

I can justify

Hording treasures in Heaven.

That joy will survive.

Not today, but tomorrow

Rewards wait for me on high.

There was a certain trust that came with surrendering our money - I mean God's money - back to Him. As we began to trust Him more, our focus changed. Instead of looking at what treasures we could attain here on earth, we began to see ways to build our eternal treasures. Building greater relationships, witnessing, raising our children to honor God and others, and focusing on finding out what God wanted from us - beyond a portion of His money back - became our goal.

I won't simplify.

Search always for essentials.

Never be content.

Find joy in Heaven's pleasures.

Seeking His wealth - time well spent.

Searching for God's will, especially in our finances, does not always come easy. Although I now realize He will supply all our needs, our debt has not disappeared. Money still comes in and goes out in a vicious cycle, and that dream car is still calling my name! Yet, the change of focus in my heart has brought a peace I could not have imagined.

I now realize

How His treasures send comfort

To all those in need.

Wealth can be shared in knowledge

Of His precious Son's great deed.

Heavenly Father, I just want to praise You for changing my view of treasures. I now realize that all I have is Yours and You so generously supply all my needs. You even supply many of my wants and desires. Please help me to always remember to share in the wealth you have given, not only through offerings, but also through my words and actions. After all, how can anyone else know how wonderful You are and what you have sacrificed for us, if we don't tell them?


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