A Christmas For Christ

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the streets 
People strolled along singing old carols so sweet.
We were joyfully praising the Christ child. It’s true. 
Telling how He was born to save me and save you. 

And in every window a grand sight to see 
Were the candy cane colors on each Christmas tree. 
All their branches were covered with white and with red, 
Showing purity stained by the blood that He shed. 

Every person was greeted at every door 
With cakes, cookies and pies that were not from a store. 
They were baked fresh with love from each stove in each place, 
Pouring in bits of prayer for each friend’s smiling face. 

And with ten fingers twined to give thanks on our way, 
Every brother and sister raised voices to pray 
To the One that we knew as our Soon Coming King, 
Counting down all the blessings His presence would bring. 

All the streetlights were strung in a starry display 
To remember the star which shown bright on His day. 
Such a glorious light coming down from above, 
Guiding all who would seek Him to His saving love. 

Any cards to be sent had been sent and received. 
By all friends and all loved ones, a story was weaved 
Of a Wonderful King who came down as a babe, 
Writing stories of grace so that all might be saved. 

And the presents, oh yes, there were presents galore. 
But all knew those gifts had been given before. 
There was peace. There was joy. There was love wrapped up too. 
Giving all gifts He gave free for me and for you. 

When all carols were sung, and the hour was quite late. 
Everyone made their way home to rest and to wait. 
We were waiting for morning, a blessed event, 
Hoping this was the hour we would be heaven sent. 

On the morning of Christmas when all were awake 
For a moment, one moment, our poor hearts did break. 
Though Christ was not come yet, our waiting not through, 
Trusting He would come back soon, our hearts were renewed. 

Now as everyone gathered to give praise once more 
There was gladness in sharing what He had in store. 
And our King was well pleased with how Christmas had been 
Knowing He had been center this season. Amen.

TLRainey 2004


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