Our Love Story, , Part 4 - First Kiss

Sunday, December 13th, 1998

The boys and I went through our normal Sunday morning routine. We got up and ate breakfast before getting ready for a busy church day. I hadn’t heard from John since saying goodbye on Friday night.

Sunday morning, when church service and children’s church were over, the boys found me. John came over to us. I introduced them. The boys were polite, but ready to find Gran and Grandad. We said goodbye quickly.

That evening was choir practice before church service. There wasn’t much time to talk. We did smile and wave, but that was the extent of our interaction.

After church, John came up to me and the boys. He asked if we could all go to Pizza Hut. The boys were instantly excited.

“Now how can I say no?”

I lived about a mile from the church on an old dirt road. John followed us to my place. After I parked my car, two very happy boys and I climbed into John’s truck and headed to town.

John was really good with the boys. I was impressed and a little nervous at how quickly they opened up to him. They were the center of attention that evening and loved every minute of it.

Once we got home, the boys practically begged John to come in. My reminder that it was bedtime didn’t deter them. Remember, the boys and I had just left a cruel life that year. After going through what we had been through, I had a very hard time saying no to those two little rascals. Apparently, John felt the same way. He agreed to come inside and help tuck them in bed.

Once inside, I insisted they hurry with getting their pjs on and brushing their teeth. I may have threatened to make John leave if they took too long. Those boys were ready for bed in record time!

John helped me tuck them in and say their prayers. I had mentioned John’s brother’s surgery to them. John was impressed that the boys prayed for his brother during their - way longer than normal - prayer.

When prayers were finally over, I got a quick hug from each of them as I kissed their foreheads. John got two big hugs. The boys reluctantly said goodnight.

 As we walked out of their room and closed their door, I said, “Thank you so much for tonight. The boys had so much fun. It’s really late though.”

John replied, “Yeah, I need to get home. Five o’clock is going to come way too early.”

From behind the boys closed door, Andrew yelled, “Don’t let him leave!”

Oh, how my heart broke. I knew better than to open that bedroom door. I spoke so Andrew could hear me. “Baby, he has to leave. He doesn’t live here and it’s his bedtime too. Now go to sleep.”

“Yes mam. Goodnight.” Andrew whined from behind the bedroom door.

John and I quickly and quietly walked out to the front porch step. I thanked him again for taking us all to dinner as we hugged goodbye. Somehow that hug turned into our first kiss.

I think we were both unsure of what had just happened. No more words were spoken. He walked to his truck. I went back inside and shut the door.




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