Our Love Story - Part 8 - You Start My Tractor

Sunday, December 20, 1998

Sunday morning came early, and it was going to be a long day. John had helped me tuck the boys in bed before saying goodbye Saturday night. Did he really ask me to be his girlfriend? Did I really agree?

“Lord, I don’t know where this is going. Please keep me from making poor choices. This is scary.”

The boys and I got ready for Sunday School. I packed their clothes. We were going home with Mom and Dad after the morning’s church service. The boys were staying with them for the next few days now that they were on their Christmas break.

John sat with me in Sunday School and in church. I prayed he was truly the man he appeared to be. This was happening fast.

After lunch with Mom and Dad, I went back home to get ready for choir rehearsal. Tonight was the Christmas cantata. John and I had made plans to go out to eat afterward. It would be a good night.

Our musical went really well. There was a packed audience. Once we were finished singing and had started mingling, John came up to me. He pulled me aside with an urgent look.

“You know how Greg (our choir director) asked us to invite people tonight?”

“Yeah.” I wondered where this was going.

“Well, I invited one of my mom’s friends and she is here.”

“That’s great! Where is she?”

“It’s not great exactly. This afternoon Mom told me that this woman thinks I invited her here for a date. She told Mom that… well, she said I start her tractor.” John actually blushed.

I suppressed a laugh but couldn’t help giving him a joking grin. “Now that’s funny. What are you going to do?”

“Here she comes. I’m going to introduce you.”

As the woman came up to John’s side, John pulled me toward him. We faced her together. John introduced me as his girlfriend. I could see disappointment in the woman’s face. Although I felt sorry for her, I couldn’t help but feel a glimmer of excitement. It was real. I was John’s girlfriend.

I would have to remember that woman’s line. Using it might be fun - eventually. He started my tractor too.


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