Red Is The Color Of . . .

The following short story was written several years ago. It is completely fictional, but holds a valuable lesson. I've known religions that were radical enough to associate the color red with only evil. The truth is, red is associated with so much more than merely negative connotations. 

In the bible, red symbolizes blood, sin, sacrifice, and salvation - among other things. There are several scriptures about this color. In fact, the English word "red" has fifty-three (53) Biblical appearances. 

Growing up, I've not only known - but also experienced religious avoidance of colors. Wearing red fingernail polish would result in questions of your spiritual health. Granted, those questions may have been in the form of gossip and not to your face, but your color choices were discussed. 

Memories of some of those discussions prompted this story. I pray those religions and their congregations grew in wisdom. I pray they gained a healthier view in their judgment of color. 

Sarah's Diary

June 20, 1969

Dear Diary, my name is Sarah Grace Jones. Today was my tenth birthday. Mama picked the best present. She gave me you. I can’t wait to tell you my secrets, even if you are just plain, old green. My first secret is: Of all the colors in the crayon box, I love red the best.

March 19, 1973

Dear Diary, Mama made me so mad! I had the best time at Mary Jos sleep-over and then Mama had to go and ruin it. She started yelling at me as soon as we got in the car.


“Mary Jo painted them, Mama.”


I cried all the way home, especially when Mama stopped to buy fingernail polish remover. Mama scrubbed my fingernails so hard they hurt. Then she stomped outside to pull up her tulips. I reminded her THEY were red.

May 7, 1976

Dear Diary, Jimmy Johnson came over tonight. He had asked me to the prom. I told him Mama wouldnt let me go to a dance, so he didn’t go either. We talked for three whole hours. He even brought me a beautiful, red rose. I hid it from Mama when I came back inside. 

July 23, 1979

Dear Diary, Tonight I will become Mrs. Sarah Grace Johnson. I love Jimmy so much. He is the most wonderful man in the world. I will be wearing the most amazing, new, white dress that Mama helped me pick out.  Mary Jo is going to let me borrow her pretty white slippers and my hair will be held up by Grannys old hairpin. It is so dainty and has one tiny, blue gem barely visible. My flowers will be yellow roses with a hint of red at their tips.

September 12, 1979

Dear Diary, Jimmy and I have been reading the Bible together. Last night, we read about how Jesus’ blood will clean up our sins. I wonder if Mama has ever thought about the color of Jesus blood.

August 1, 1981

Dear Diary, Mary Elizabeth Johnson was born this morning. She weighed seven pounds exactly.  When they handed her to me, the first thing I saw was a head full of hair. It was the lightest shade of red.

written by: TLRainey 2014


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