Over the past few weeks, I've thought a lot about what it means to be a servant. In just three days, The Lace Rose LLC will launch. With that launch will come responsibilities. 

Will those responsibilities make me a servant to the company? I don't think so. It will give an opportunity to serve those who purchase anything from the company. 

There will be an obligation to do the best job possible for the people who want to enjoy those products. Having watched friends who own their own businesses and seem to always be working to serve others, I have admired them. It is my hope to show that same servant's heart. 

I must admit, the thought of serving in such a public capacity has made me a little nervous. In the past, being open to the judgment of others would be something to stay as far away from as possible.
I always enjoyed behind the scenes service the most.

Still, the thought of creating things I enjoy and sharing that joy with others will continue to drive me forward. Time will tell how successful that effort becomes. My prayer is that serving others will remain my prime focus.

For now, my focus has not been on this blog. It has shown in the lack of readers. Without readers, I have felt that the blog is not really serving anyone. With that, a break in writing here will begin after this post.

There may come a time when life leads back to this place. If so, I hope to see you here again. Until then, it's not goodbye - but see you later.

Love in Christ,


Galatians 5:13

For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.
Mark 10:45
“For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”


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