Origin of The Lace Rose LLC

Origin of The Lace Rose LLC

For some time now - before Christmas of 2023 - John and I have been playing around with the idea of opening a keto cottage bakery - a bakery run out of our kitchen. We also knew that the company we had opened to sell my art and photography needed a remodel - if not a complete re-do.

After our rollercoaster year ended, we decided a complete shut down and regrouping was in order. I decided that my word for 2024 would be 'focus' and that included narrowing my focus on any business idea. We started brainstorming.

We agreed that for any new business to have more focus, we needed to be clear about what that business would offer. We also needed a clear vision of what our business would represent. What would our mission and vision be?

Since I would be the majority owner, with John and the boys as behind-the-scene partners, we would focus on who I am. We would focus on my lineage. I came from a long line of strong women who loved the Lord and cared about their image. They were tasteful. 

There were also women who were creative, like my maternal grandmother - Granny B. She loved crochet and writing poetry and gardening. My mother and all of her sisters have been uniquely strong women too. 

Then there were the women on my Dad's side of the family. My great-grandmother - Trudie Bell 'Pinkie' Moore - was a tiny warrior. She had twelve children, eight boys and three girls. I think there were ten who survived to adulthood. My Granny - Lois Lee - was one of her girls. Granny was an amazing cook, enjoyed quilting, and gave the best hugs. We lost her the month after I turned seventeen-years-old to breast cancer. 

When we lost Granny Lee, she had twelve grandchildren. Aunt Mary Fay had her five boys before me. Then there were five boys after me. Finally another girl arrived. My three cousins who came along after Granny passed will never know how amazing she was this side of heaven. However, they got a close glimpse through her sister, my great Aunt Don. She stepped in as their granny. She was also an amazing woman who could cook like nobody's business!

We lost Aunt Don last Thursday night. It was even harder than I realized it would be. Although I never got the opportunity to be as close to her as my youngest cousins, she was special. When I was at one of my lowest points, she spoke love, support, and kindness to me during a chance encounter - most likely devinely orchestrated. 

Aunt Geraldine is the last of Great Granny Pinkie's surviving children. She and Aunt Don's family could use your prayers. Aunt Geraldine is also a wonderful woman who has spoken encouragement into my life on several occasions.

I wanted a name and logo that symbolized this legacy of women. The Lace Rose LLC does that to the best of my ability. I'm not normally a frilly girl, but pink (for Pinkie) and roses (for all the beautiful and strong women of my heritage) seemed appropriate. 

Granny B had a stuborn and beautiful plant she called the March Rose. The official plant name is Flowering Almond, but for me it will always be the March Rose. I have the granddaughters of Granny's plant. They bloom tiny, delicate pink flowers each March. Unfortunately, the name - March Rose - was already taken online.

How could I still honor Granny B and her March Rose and all of my other paternal and maternal women warriors? Simply replacing March with Lace covers several focuses. The Lace Rose is an alternative acronym to my initials - TLR. It also represents beauty and strength with tasteful delicacy. A happy dance was performed when the name - The Lace Rose - was available online!  

Our mission: 
To serve with creative grace in order bring joy to our customers.

Our vision: 
To become a company known for it's tastefulness, creativity, and strength in persuit of consistent positive service.

We are still in the paperwork and website building process of organizing our new business. However, we do have a goal for our first scheduled launch. This is what we have planned to officially open with on March 1st: 

That's right! We are working hard to prepare our bakery website - thelacerosebakery - and menu to officially begin taking local orders on March 1st. I'm so nervous and excited!! 

Later this year, The Lace Rose LLC will present my art and photography. That idea still needs a little time to develop according to our mission and vision. Still, if all goes well, it will happen soon. 

Until then, I will go back to your regulary scheduled blog content. This week was different. This week I really wanted to share my latest endeavour with you. The nervous excitement is real!!


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